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EKbana Sports Day 2019
December 30, 2019 4m read
Another year, another sports day for us EKbanians. With the growth of our company and the increase of our team members, we saw a larger sports day with 8 premade teams competing for sports day gold.
The games and sports competition we saw throughout the event were as follows, Futsal, FIFA, Table Tennis, the Three-Legged race, a Spoon race, Sack race, Thigh Balloon blast, a Tug of War and a Food eating challenge.
The event took place on the 27th of December and carried on to the 28th, at 7 am the 8 teams were raring to go at the futsal ground as the competition started with the Futsal competition. Tough competition and 8 matches fulfilled, the early group stages of the futsal tournament were completed as the rest of the day taking place at the company grounds. Breakfast and lunch were provided for the competitors by EKbana. The men and women Table Tennis matches went underway and so did the FIFA tournament. Tough competition was seen as all teams gave it their all and the winners emerged for the two competitions.

This was followed by the food eating challenge where the competitors had to finish a 1.2kg burger. The winner was crowned and the next competition on the agenda was the thigh balloon blast where a team of three took part. A pair of them giving their attention to blowing up the balloons with the power of their lungs, while one was designated to blast the balloons using their thighs. The competition was fierce yet fun, the winners emerged and the day’s events were completed.

The 2nd day took place at 9 am sharp at the futsal ground where the competition started with the ongoing futsal competition for both men and women. Futsal was halted before the finals and the other competition took place. The spoon race was the first in line as both men and women competed for their respective teams. The event continued to the Tug of war competition huffing and heaving away we saw the emergence of the strongest teams of the day.
Continued with the Three-legged race for both men and women, a fill the glass competition where you fill an empty glass of water while transferring water with a spoon over a distance, a Sack race for both men and women followed by the futsal competition finals. The day finally over, the tired and haggard-looking ladies and gentlemen of EKbana headed for a much-needed intake of food at a restaurant venue hosted by EKbana.
Before the meal was had, the prizes were distributed to the respective winners and runners up of the individual competitions. With a surprise overall winners being tied for 1st place, Team Niruta and Team Danny, Congratulations! The medals and cups were distributed and the mood was set for a hearty meal with friends and colleagues.

The spirit of competition and teamwork defines our company. Every year we do this and every year we see the bonding of teams like never before. We as EKbanians feel proud of days like this and the environment and friendships that it creates. Thank you to all the wonderful organizers of the event, it was a huge hit and as always, See you next year!
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